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Why study whilst furloughed? | Professional Academy

The term ‘furlough’ has become commonplace in workplaces across the world. If it’s happened to you, it can feel scary and worrying. But it doesn’t need to be a word that sparks fear. Focus on the fact that you haven’t lost your job, you’re just on temporary leave. And there’s lots of productive ways you can use your newly found time and continue to progress your career.

Maintain a sense of normality

It feels as though a lot of aspects of our everyday lives have had to be cancelled or postponed due to the coronavirus. But it can’t take away the chance to develop yourself professionally.

It’s obviously a very challenging time for everyone, and it’s hard to feel normal when our routines have been tampered with. But learning and developing yourself (even if it is at home) is a great way to take a positive out of the situation.

Rest assured, you can still study whilst furloughed. Improving your skills and knowledge doesn’t need to be put on hold even if you’re not at the office. Why not cling onto some sense of normality amongst the constant changes?

Keep yourself mentally active

At first, furloughing might seem like a bit of a paid holiday.

But there’s only so much Homes under the Hammer you can watch before you need more than (mind-blowing) house transformations to keep you occupied. It’s important to keep yourself active, physically and mentally!

Studying can become your new schedule and give you back a much-needed routine. Sure, studying from home comes with its challenges. But there are many ways to be productive, whether it’s through creating a makeshift workspace or a list of achievable daily goals.

You can make plans for the future and your learning can be a way to come up with exciting ways to innovate when you return to work.

Make use of interactive eLearning

Learning online has evolved massively in recent years. You no longer need to read yourself to sleep if you can’t attend face-to-face classes. With the success of eLearning and gamification, learning from home can be interactive and engaging.

Our eLearning materials are second-to-none. Offering a completely interactive experience, we’ll support you through each area of your course. It’s the perfect way to break down your learning in manageable chunks that make it seem much less daunting!

Work on your personal development plan

Maybe your PDP has been gathering dust for the last year, as you’ve been prioritising immediate tasks in the office. What better time to tick some points off your plan than whilst you’re furloughed?

Working on your professional development is a way to make yourself an asset to your team. Businesses may need a bit of help to get themselves back on their feet after this crisis, so being proactive to make a positive change definitely won’t go unnoticed.

Keep engaged with your peers via virtual workshop sessions

It might be tempting to recreate your own rendition of Eric Carmen’s 1975 hit ‘all by myself’ when you’re stuck at home. But put down the microphone. There are better, more productive ways to feel more connected (and less lonely).

Virtual workshops give you an opportunity to interact with people in the same boat as you. You’re all there to learn, and it can help to fill the colleague shaped hole in your life to have peers and tutors to chat to and share ideas with.

Prepare for the future

It’s easy to get caught up in the everyday news and forget about the future. But it’s important to remember that there is a light at the end of the tunnel. You can come out of this stronger and more resilient than ever, and ready to deal with whatever the economic climate has to throw at you.

Even though furloughing is an initial blow, it isn’t forever. You will return to work, and when you do, you don’t want to have forgotten how to do your job. Complacency is the enemy. So make sure you are always learning and developing with a course or professional qualification, as this will make you stand out from the crowd. What better way to impress your boss or earn that promotion?

It’s also important to remember that if you want to study a professional qualification with us but would prefer face-to-face workshops, they will return to normal later in the year. It’s easy to sign up now and reap the benefits of social learning after spending some time with your head down at home with a cup of tea and some virtual learning.

Have you been furloughed? Are you looking for things to do with your extra time at home?

If you are interested in Sales, Marketing, or Management, Professional Academy will help you progress further into your career! We offer both electronic and printed copies of learning material and the chance to undertake a professional qualification within a time-frame that suits you. Our eLearning is second-to-none and experienced tutors will support you every step of the way.

Want to find out more? Speak to a qualifications advisor today or download a prospectus.
