Safeguarding & PREVENT Policy

Reviewed: August 2023 by Hazel Lott-Canning

Purpose & Scope of These Policies

The purpose of this document is to demonstrate that Cambridge Professional Academy Ltd. recognises the importance of safeguarding its apprentices, learners, staff, their families, and all stakeholders against abuse, neglect, or inappropriate pressure. Our focus includes personal dignity, mental health, emotional well-being, control over day-to-day life, participation in work and education, contribution to society, and awareness of the threat of terrorism.

This policy emphasises the commitment of the directors and staff to ensuring the respect, protection, and support of staff and learners.

Legal Framework

This policy is based on relevant legislation, policy, and guidance aimed at protecting children, young people, and vulnerable adults:

  • Keeping Children Safe in Education 2022 (2023 from 1st September 2023)
  • Sexual Harassment between children in schools and colleges 2021
  • Children Act 1989 and 2004
  • Safeguarding Vulnerable Groups Act 2006
  • Counter Terrorism and Security Act 2015
  • Equality Act 2010

Our Commitment to Keeping People Safe

We commit to:

  • Valuing, respecting, and listening to apprentices, learners, and staff.
  • Providing training for staff through induction and mandatory refresher training each year, tracked as part of professional development.
  • Taking all concerns and allegations of abuse (physical or mental) seriously, reporting appropriately to the nominated Safeguarding Officer or Social Care Services.
  • Ensuring equal learning opportunities appropriate to individual needs.
  • Reporting any influences of extremism leading to radicalisation to the Safeguarding Officer or appropriate authorities.

Code of Conduct and E-Learning Platform

  • We maintain a Code of Conduct for all users of our eLearning platform.

  • Passwords are encrypted, and access to the Learning Management System (LMS) is monitored.
  • Staff receive training and support in monitoring the e-learning platform.
  • Data protection guidance is implemented.

Reporting Procedure

  • Concerns should be reported to the Designated Safeguarding Lead or Deputy Safeguarding Officer.

  • Apprentices and staff are informed of contact details for reporting safeguarding or Prevent concerns.
  • Cases are recorded and investigated, with referrals made to local safeguarding or Prevent contacts where necessary.

Prevent Duty

  • Staff respond to ideological challenges of terrorism and report concerns to prevent people from being drawn into terrorism.

  • Staff are aware of the Prevent Duty Guidelines in England and Wales.
  • The Prevent strategy is integrated into safeguarding and employee training.

British Values

  • We promote fundamental British values, including democracy, rule of law, individual liberty, mutual respect, and tolerance.

  • Staff challenge views contrary to these values and ensure a safe environment for discussion.


  • Staff adopt, support, and promote this policy.

  • All employees play a part in safeguarding and Prevent.
  • Interventions are undertaken proportionately.
  • Staff are empowered to report concerns.
  • Staff understand reporting procedures and policies through training.
  • Welfare issues are discussed with the safeguarding team and reviewed for continuous improvement.

Reporting Contacts

To report a Safeguarding or Prevent concern, contact:

Monitoring and Oversight

  • The safeguarding team reviews support and intervention on a case-by-case basis.

  • Lessons learned are shared with the wider team for continuous improvement.
  • Data is anonymised for discussion and reviewed by a sub-group of the Governance Board.


Appendix 1 - Glossary



Having due regard

Weighing the need to prevent people from being drawn into terrorism when considering other factors.


Active opposition to fundamental British values, including democracy and tolerance.


Projects to divert people drawn into terrorism.

Non-violent extremism

Extremism without violence.


Reducing or eliminating the risk of individuals becoming involved in terrorism.


Process by which a person supports terrorism and extremist ideologies.


Protecting vulnerable people from crime, abuse, or being drawn into terrorism.


Endangering life, causing violence or damage for political, religious, or ideological causes.

Terrorist-related offences

Offences linked to terrorism.


Susceptibility to radicalisation.

Appendix 2 - Prevent Duty

Section 26 of the Counter-Terrorism and Security Act 2015 places a duty on the Company to prevent people from being drawn into terrorism. The "due regard" means considering this need while carrying out regular functions. Prevent is about safeguarding adults, supporting discussion, and promoting resilience to extremism.