Cambridge Professional Academy Ltd. is committed to providing a safe and healthy workplace for all of its staff, and extends this responsibility to all those learners, apprentices and other individuals who visit our learning premises. Cambridge Professional Academy Ltd.’s commitment to providing a healthy and safe working environment means that we are always ready to adapt this policy and its associated practices to meet new standards as they are laid down. This policy will be given to all staff on appointment, its importance reinforced as part of staff induction training and also the H&S policy forms part of the annual refresher training requirements. This policy is promoted on our website will be reviewed at least once per year by SMT and approved by the Governance Board.

Legal Framework

This policy has been drawn up on the basis of legislation, policy and guidance which aims to keep people safe in their place of work or study:

  • Health and Safety at Work etc. Act 1974
  • Advice from RoSPA – safety in the workplace
  • Mental Health Act 1983

Key Contacts

  • Operations Manager – overall responsibility for Health & Safety

Currently Hazel Lott

  • Qualified First Aider

Currently Philip Knowles

  • Safeguarding Lead – responsible for the safety wellbeing of apprentices and others in our care

Currently Philip Knowles

  • Safeguarding Deputy - responsible for the safety wellbeing of apprentices and others in our care

Currently David Jamieson

If you (staff member, learner, apprentice or visitor) have an accident on our premises you or a person caring for you should inform a member of staff immediately. This should be one of the key contacts above or could be one of the following:

  • The trainer at the attended learning event
  • Your support tutor
  • Head Office telephone - 01223 365505

Your accident will be logged and you will have a copy of the accident form to take away with you. The accident will be investigated to understand how it occurred and if anything needs to be changed or repaired in order for a similar accident not to happen again. Our copy of the accident report will remain in the accident log which is kept on site at Head Office, 3 Francis Court, High Ditch Road, Fen Ditton, Cambridge. We would also add a note to your learner file with your permission. If you need to report an issue please contact one of the individuals mentioned above.

The designated Health & Safety representatives will be responsible for organising site-specific Health & Safety training where required, and will ensure that each staff member is shown the location of first-aid boxes, fire exits, firefighting equipment and how to report accidents. The safety equipment is highlighted around the building with luminous signage. The evacuation and alarm procedures will also be explained.

Our Responsibilities

Leaders will engage with staff to

  • Report immediately any incidents of ill health or accidents involving apprentices and learners to their employer where we have the individual’s permission to do so
  • Apprentice absence not prearranged or authorised will be brought to the attention of employers
  • Ensure that this Health & Safety Policy is implemented on a day-to-day basis and that sufficient resources are made available to achieve this
  • Train staff to implement the policy in all aspects of our business interactions
  • Review the training to ensure commitment to the policy
  • Maintain adequate records in relation to staff, learner and apprentice health & safety
  • Maintain buildings and offices to provide a safe place of work, with safe access
  • Maintain equipment in a safe condition
  • Design systems of work with the Health & Safety of staff in mind
  • Provide such training and supervision as shall enable all staff to avoid hazards and contribute positively to their own safety and health at work
  • Systematically identify, respond to and manage any risks and concerns which arise
  • Provide a healthy working and learning environment

We expect all Cambridge Professional Academy Ltd.’s support staff, learners, apprentices, trainers and other stakeholders to share this commitment and to understand that they have legal and moral obligations to enforce and adhere to this policy for the safety and wellbeing of themselves and others.

Our stakeholders’ Responsibilities

Take reasonable care for the health and safety of themselves and all others who may be affected by their actions and omissions while on Cambridge Professional Academy Ltd. premises, client settings or any other location where Cambridge Professional Academy Ltd. conduct their business. All individuals should:

  • Report to Cambridge Professional Academy Ltd as soon as possible any incidents of ill health or accidents involving apprentices, learners or employees.
  • Personally demonstrate good standards of health & safety practice at all times
  • Familiarise themselves with all health and safety information provided by Cambridge Professional Academy Ltd.
  • Follow and act upon any instructions that are given either verbally or in writing by a Cambridge Professional Academy Ltd. member of staff in connection with health & safety
  • Bring to the attention of a member of Cambridge Professional Academy Ltd. staff any difficulty in understanding health & safety information or instructions
  • Co-operate fully at all times with Cambridge Professional Academy Ltd. to ensure that statutory obligations are met
  • Immediately report to Cambridge Professional Academy Ltd. staff any hazard, potential hazard, breakdowns in practice or procedures, unsafe conditions or defects to equipment which may affect health and safety in the workplace or training centre
  • Report any accidents or incidents, whether they are personally involved or not
  • Ensure that, in the unlikely event that personal protective equipment (PPE) is required, it is used, as directed, in the interests of health and safety
  • Report any personal difficulties associated with the use of any equipment provided
  • Provide Cambridge Professional Academy Ltd. and their employer (if relevant) with any medical information which may affect personal health and safety or wellbeing during a Cambridge Professional Academy Ltd. Learning event

Cambridge Professional Academy Ltd. recognises that its staff, learners and apprentices will often provide the first warning of any hazards in the workplace or on its premises. We, therefore encourage individuals to report any concerns regarding either specific hazards or general issues pertaining to their Health & Safety, or the Health & Safety of other staff members, learners, apprentices or any other visitors to Cambridge Professional Academy Ltd.’s sites. And we will investigate any and all reported hazards immediately, implementing changes as necessary.

Issues and previously mentioned learner/apprentice ill health or absence should be reported to the Student Support team on 01223 365505 or by emailing who will log the concern/absence on the Learner Management System and inform the Operations Manager to contact the relevant employer or in the case of an incident create a case file for action.

Electrical Equipment

Electrical equipment used by Cambridge Professional Academy Ltd.’s staff at Head Office is subjected to periodic inspection to ensure its continued safety in use. If any person identifies a worn cable, defective plug or any issue with electrical equipment which does not work correctly, it is their duty to report the hazard to their trainer, line manager, immediate supervisor, responsible person on-site or Cambridge Professional Academy Ltd.’s Operations Manager at Head Office 01223 365 505 or by emailing

Fire alarms

Fire alarms on site at Cambridge Professional Academy Ltd.’s Head Office are tested regularly by qualified people. At our partner sites we have had sight of their Health & Safety Policies. If a fire is discovered on Cambridge Professional Academy Ltd.’s learning premises:

  • Sound the alarm
  • Leave the building by the nearest exit and do not delay by collecting your belongings
  • Go to the fire assembly point
  • Ring the Fire Service (dial 9 and then 999 from a company phone)
  • Do not re-enter the building until the ‘all clear’ is given
  • In the event of a person being injured and requiring first aid, a qualified first aider should be contacted and the incident logged in the accident book
  • Smoking is only permitted in outside of the building

Assessing Risk

  • Cambridge Professional Academy Ltd. undertake risk assessments to identify significant hazards that may arise in the workplace and request the same of their partner venues.
  • Trainers and assessors working on behalf of Cambridge Professional Academy Ltd. are trained to carry out risk assessments and take ownership for conducting such assessments on curriculum activities to ensure the safety of all learners
  • Young people (under the age of 18) may be at greater risk due to various factors e.g. a lack of maturity and experience.
  • Therefore, it is particularly important to undertake a risk assessment on activities to be undertaken by a young person. In addition a young person must not be asked to undertake activities beyond their physical or mental ability or where lack of experience and training would mean they are unlikely to recognise the risks

COVID Safety

By agreeing to come to work or attend a training session, office staff, delivery staff, learners or apprentices are confirming that they are well enough to attend the venue and are free of the know Covid-19 virus symptoms which are:

  • a high temperature – this means you feel hot to touch on your chest or back (you do not need to measure your temperature)
  • a new, continuous cough – this means coughing a lot for more than an hour, or 3 or more coughing episodes in 24 hours (if you usually have a cough, it may be worse than usual)
  • a loss or change to your sense of smell or taste – this means you've noticed you cannot smell or taste anything, or things smell or taste different to normal

Preventative steps and Hygiene

We are taking all reasonable steps to protect your health and safety. We require all staff to follow these simple steps to help stop the spread of germs like Coronavirus:

  • Cover your mouth and nose with a tissue or your sleeve (not your hands) when you cough or sneeze
  • Put used tissues in the bin straight away
  • Thoroughly wash your hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds – only use hand sanitiser gel if soap and water are not available
  • Always wash your hands when you get home or into work
  • Clean and disinfect frequently touched objects and surfaces
  • Try to avoid close contact with people who are unwell
  • Don’t Touch your eyes, nose or mouth if your hands are not clean

Please see the coronavirus statement on the website.