Professional Academy
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Professional Academy's 100% Pass Guarantee

We’re so confident in our tutors, courses and support network that we offer a 100% Pass Guarantee, free of charge.

Whether you sign up for a complete course or a single module, we’re totally committed to supporting you until you achieve your goals. Professional Academy is the only provider of professional qualifications to offer this kind of guarantee. 

Our 100% Pass Guarantee

We’re proud of the fact that almost all of our students pass first time. But if you should fail at first, we will continue to provide tutor support and  access to all the relevant online resources, workshops and study materials free of charge until you pass all of your modules and qualifications.

What you can expect from us:

•    ongoing tutor support including draft assignment/mock exam feedback
•    access to the online members area
•    free attendance to relevant workshops (where included as part of your learning package)

All we ask in return is that you:

•    read all required texts
•    take reasonable advantage of your support tutor
•    attend all workshops required for the module (where selected)
•    meet all assignment deadline dates (where appropriate)
•    submit a draft assignment/mock exam to your support tutor
•    acknowledge tutor feedback comments and amend assignment text as recommended

Your only additional costs could be if you are a CIM student needing to re-submit and assignment or re-sit an examination, as the CIM will charge re-sit and possible re-registration fees.

Not what Professional Qualification is right for you? Try out our quick and easy Entry Level Assessment to see which Level is best, book a call with a qualifications adviser to discuss, or send us a message today!
