Terms & Conditions of purchase

By completing your order you confirm that you have read, understood, and agree to be bound by the following terms and conditions. No order will be accepted without this confirmation.

Below is a confirmation of the T&C's as published on the Professional Academy Store (store.professionalacademy.com).

Course details

1. Cambridge Professional Academy Ltd (CPA) reserves the right to refuse any application from a potential student or employer for any of the courses provided.

2. CPA is an equal opportunities training provider and does not discriminate on basis of age, gender, race or religion.

3. CPA will provide tutor support for a period of 2 years. The date of enrolment commences from the date of registration with CPA. This may be extended by prior written agreement.

4. CPA reserves the right to amend details regarding workshops, courses and study methods without prior notice.

5. CPA does not accept responsibility to re-supply an updated version or alternative title of a course text book if it becomes available during the relevant study period. 

6. CPA reserves the right to use whichever tutor deemed appropriate and to substitute the tutor with an alternative tutor or tutors where necessary.

7. Upon request, CPA will provide student progress reports to companies regarding their sponsored students. 

8. Deferral requests must be a written notification to CPA and received a minimum of 30 days prior to the end of your enrolment period. Requests to defer course tuition are at the discretion of CPA. 

9. If students wish to extend the tuition support beyond the agreed 2 years and have not provided satisfactory circumstances or written notification an additional fee of £300 is charged. Any additional workshops and material required are chargeable at the standard rate.

10. An additional charge of £50 + VAT per assessment is chargeable when the student has failed to submit the assignment by the agreed date and therefore an extra deadline date must be organised.

Pass Guarantee

11. The Pass Guarantee is included as part of the CPA offering whereby once all due fees have been paid, CPA agrees to support the student for no additional charge until the student completes their agreed modules or course, notwithstanding the items above.

CPA agrees to provide the student with:

a) on-going tutor support includes feedback on two draft versions of each assignment

b) access to the online study area

c) free attendance to the necessary workshops (where they are already part of the package)

The student must:

a) read all required course text

b) set aside sufficient regular time to study

c) take reasonable advantage of the tutor support available 

d) attend all workshops required for the module (where selected)

e) meet all assignment deadline dates (assignment assessment only)

f) submit a draft assignment to the tutor (assignment assessment only)

g) acknowledge tutor feedback comments and amend assignment text as recommended (assignment assessment only)

h) complete a provided/recommended mock exam (exam assessment only)


12. All Cambridge Professional Academy fees are correct at time of publishing, for the most recent and up to date fees please contact us. Our standard terms for all invoices are payment due within seven days.

13. All costs provided are for UK students only, overseas costs incur an additional charge for postage. Details available on request.

14. If study material is returned to the Cambridge Professional Academy office for any reason, the student will be liable for any additional postage costs incurred for its’re-delivery.

15. The student is responsible for paying the relevant professional body membership and assessment registration fees where these are not included in the qualification fees (CIM only)

16. An administration fee will apply in the following circumstances:

a) £10 per payee for split payments (UK and overseas based students) where fee is payable by more than one payee

b) £50 per module per student, plus the cost difference between the old and new syllabus, plus VAT, for transferring from the old syllabus to the newly available syllabus.

c) £25 per student if any amendments need to be made to your enrolment after it has been processed.

17. Staged payments are available for full accredited courses (UK based students only).

18. The following courses can be paid by a staged payment of two consecutive monthly instalments only:

a) Foundation Certificate in Marketing

b) Any Chartered Management Institute award qualification

c) Any Institute of Sales and Marketing Management award qualification

All other relevant courses have the option of three or four or eight consecutive monthly instalments

19. For staged payments the first payment will be due with the application and will be calculated as the total cost of the course divided by the number of instalments plus any relevant registration/membership fee.(three and four monthly option only). Late or declined monthly payments will incur additional administration costs.

20. For the eight month staged payment option, an initial fee of £350 (£420 includes VAT) which includes a £50 (£60 includes VAT) administration fee an all relevant membership/registration fees will be due with the application.

21. All fees due to CPA must be paid in full 14 days prior to the commencement of the course, unless by prior arrangement staged payment is agreed. If paying by staged payments the 1st payment amount is due at time of registration of enrolment.

22. Where the employer is the payee, the employer is responsible for all unpaid fees in all circumstances includes situations of termination of employment of the student or cancellation of the course by the employer.

23. CPA must be notified of any queries or complaints relating to the invoice within 14 days of receipt of invoice.

24. Non-receipt of payments will result in the suspension of all tuition services includes not submitting assignments or entering the student in for exams until payment is received.

25. If payment is not made in accordance with the terms of payment stated on the invoice:

a) CPA reserves the right to charge interest to the buyer at the rate of 2% per month on the unpaid balance. Interest will be accrued on a day-to-day basis from the due date for payment until receipt by CPA of the full amount whether before or after any Judgement, and

b) The buyer shall indemnify CPA against all costs and expenses (includes any legal costs and expenses on a full indemnity basis) incurred or sustained by CPA in recovering sums due in each case without prejudice to any other rights or remedies available to CPA.

26. Charges incurred due to dishonoured cheques or non-payment will be passed onto the Payee.

27. Any relevant course material will be despatched on receipt of the agreed initial payment or authorisation to invoice employer.

28. CPA reserves the right to revise and vary fees at any time.


29. CPA reserves the right to cancel, reschedule or relocate any workshops or online tutorials; where possible an alternative will be offered includes any additional reasonable travel costs incurred as agreed by CPA prior to travel. This may also include converting a face-to-face workshop to a virtual workshop if deemed necessary. Due notice will be given of any changes but if an alternative is not possible a refund for the workshop fees paid will be made. CPA will pay no consequential loss expenses or other fees. 

30. Cancellations of courses must be made in writing to CPA. If cancellation is received within 14 days of enrolment the payee will receive a refund of the full course fees excluding any cost incurred. Any cancellation received after the 14 day cooling off period but within 30 days of the date of enrolment will result in the payee being liable for 40% of the full course fees and any additional costs incurred internally and externally on behalf of the student provided that all supplied materials are returned in a resalable condition and that no tuition has been provided to the student. After the 30 day cancellation period or where tuition of any sort has been provided no refund will be made. The payee is responsible for all postage costs for returning study material. Where the supplied materials are returned in a non-resalable condition the standard charge will be deducted from the refund or charged.

31. Written notification of non-attendance of workshops must be given to us 14 days prior to the workshop and an alternative workshop date will be provided. If notice is provided with less than 14 days until the workshop the full cost of the workshop becomes payable and no refunds will be issued. If the student wishes to attend an alternative workshop date the standard fee is charged.

Health and Safety

32. Students are to take all reasonable steps to ensure the safety of themselves, colleagues and CPA staff whilst attending a CPA event in accordance with the Health and Safety at Work Act (1974). 

32. CPA accepts no liability for injury or accident however caused whilst attending a CPA event. 

34. All safety precautions laid down by the premises provider at the teaching site of each course must be adhered to by students. 

35. CPA will take all reasonable steps to provide the agreed services, however if due to industrial action or other circumstances beyond CPA’s control do not permit this CPA accepts no obligation to provide services laid down in promotional material.


36. CPA reserves the right to amend the terms and conditions without prior notice.

37. The CPA prospectus and website marketing material is for information purposes only and whilst all reasonable care is taken with its’ preparation CPA does not accept liability for any inaccuracies or omissions.

38. Copyright of all of course material includes software supplied during the study of the course remains the property of CPA unless otherwise stated. 

39. Whilst every care is taken in the advice and education given by CPA tutors and staff, CPA does not accept liability for any loss, damage or other expense incurred from such advice and education services. 

40. CPA agrees to abide by the requirements of the Data Protection Act 1998 and the subsequent GDPR act. Details of how this is achieved are included in the CPA privacy statement available from the CPA website or upon request. 

41. CPA must be notified in writing of any change of personal or contact details includes email address. CPA accepts no responsibility for any course material or information that is not received by the student due to failure of notification.

42. Any doubt or ambiguity of these terms and conditions shall be decided solely by CPA in accordance with English Law.

43. Payments accepted by SagePay and Stripe include - Visa, Mastercard, American Express, Maestro, JCB.