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The qualification is suitable for individuals working in, or hoping to work in, a variety of selling and sales representative roles, with selling to clients, customers, and businesses as a major component. By achieving the qualifications learners will cover the required essentials of selling and sales representation at this level.


  • The Level 3 awards consist of a mix of modules: Business, Core, Leadership and Self
  • The Certificate requires completion of five modules and the Diploma ten modules.


We can help you select the modules which will benefit you most and ensure you meet the requirements for either the Certificate or Diploma.

Type Module Title
Business Understand Organisations
  • The UK legal forms for organisations
  • The internal forces that impact on organisations
  • How to conduct a PESTLE analysis
Business Access and analyse sales information
  • The importance of information to help the sales professionals
  • Sources of Information
  • How to identify trends in sales related data
Business Understand customer groups and profiling
  • The range of consumer segmentation bases
  • The range of customer attitudes to buying
  • Motivation theories
Business Understand sales communications
  • Types of communication channels
  • Factors that affect communication
  • Barriers to communication
Business Understand the Sales and Marketing Relationship
  • Organisational structures
  • How sales and marketing impact on each other
  • The benefits of collaboration between sales and marketing functions
Business Use Digital Technologies
  • The range of technology available to support the sales process
  • How to run virtual meetings using video technology
  • The links between technology use and improved productivity
Core Plan sales activities
  • How to set personal sales targets
  • The sales cycle to structure and progress sales contacts
  • How to plan time efficiently
Core Prospect for new business
  • How conversation rates are calculated
  • How to establish account potential
  • How to formally confirm a sales meeting with prospects
Core Prepare and present sales solutions
  • Why it is important to understand own organisation
  • The key characteristics of a sales presentation
  • Types of customer objections and how to handle them
Core Negotiate and close sales
  • Different negotiation strategies that can be adopted by sales professionals
  • How to prepare for sales negotiations
  • Knowing when to say ‘no’ to a potential customer
Core Overcome sales objection
  • The typical barriers that exist between customers and sales professionals
  • Why it is important to anticipate customer objections
  • Ways to demonstrate respect for customer concerns
Core Understanding Customer Service
  • The methods that organisations measure their customer service,
  • The service standards within different organisations
  • How to contribute to improvements to customer service
Core Sales Pipeline Management
  • The importance of a sales pipeline management process
  • The challenges related to pipeline management
  • The lead generation tools that can be used by sales professionals
Core Understand Customer Behaviours
  • The sales cycle and stages
  • The factors that influence individual consumer buying behaviours
  • How B2C and B2B approaches differ
Leadership Understand leadership styles and motivations
  • The difference between leadership and management
  • The range of leadership styles
  • The potential impact of different leadership styles
Leadership Solving problems
  • The typical workplace problems that occur in the sales function
  • Types of data and how to gather it: quantitative and qualitative
  • How to implement the chosen option
Leadership Developing Relationships
  • Understand the needs and expectations of colleagues and stakeholders
  • Be able to develop and maintain effective working relationships with a range of colleagues and stakeholders
Leadership Understand Remote Working
  • Understand the nature of remote work
  • Understand remote working practices for productivity and wellbeing
Leadership Understand Change in the Workplace
  • Understand the rationale and impact of organisational change
  • Understand how to support change in the workplace
Leadership Participating in Coaching and Mentoring
  • Definitions of coaching and mentoring
  • The importance of ‘contracting’ in the coaching/mentoring process
  • Why coaching and mentoring plans are important
Self Plan professional development
  • The range of development opportunities that are available to sales professionals
  • The types of opportunities that sales professionals can access
  • The ways that personal development opportunities can be negotiated
Self Self-Management
  • The benefits of time management,
  • The range of time management tools and techniques available
  • How to identify personal barriers to working productively to achieve tasks
Self Understand legal, regulatory and ethical frameworks
  • The main UK laws that relate to selling
  • The regulatory frameworks related to selling
  • The consequences for individual sales professionals who behave unethically
Self Personal Motivation and Sales Performance
  • The different theories related to employee motivation
  • Why personal development plans are important
  • The components of a development plan
Self Stress Management
  • The stress continuum model and key stages
  • The range of workplace stressors
  • The ways that stress impacts on organisations
Self Continuing Professional Development (CPD)
  • Why continuing professional development is important
  • The opportunities available to improve skills and behaviours as part of sales
  • The development opportunities available from external providers
Self Contributing to an Inclusive Culture
  • The role and responsibilities that sales professional have towards others
  • The role of equality, diversity and inclusion in workplace interactions
  • How teams in the workplace may differ from each other

Entry Requirements:

There are no formal entry requirements. However, learners should be able to work at level 3 or above and be proficient in the use of English Language. This qualification is approved for learners 18 plus in England and internationally.

Ways to Study:

  • Distance Learning
  • Blended Learning (The perfect blend of 2 Day Face 2 Face Workshops and Supported Independent Learning)

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